Tuesday, April 04, 2006


stopped in my tracks
by a small bird's singing
this spring breeze

Little Onion


polona said...

i can relate; always tend to look around for the source of the song (even got a few strange looks for stopping for no apparent reason)... and it's so refreshing to hear them again in spring...

Little Onion said...

yes strange looks - and not just birds - last week i was watching my son at football practice in the park when i became distracted by an oak tree still winter bare - i found myself standing up close studying its bark and suddenly it was alive - a ladybird in the cracks of the bark - a black ant and then even smaller bugs - i turned to see that i was being watched and nudged about talked about by a mother and her mother - i realise now that from a distance me in my long coat stood up close and facing the tree must have looked from the back as though i was urinating against it... but no just looking and full of wonder

Litle Onion