Friday, April 14, 2006

First Dandelion

first dandelion
my son beats me
at swingball

Little Onion


Anonymous said...

Nicely done.

Pan Haiku Review said...

I second that, except make him play left-handed, and hop on one leg, to make it more even. (-;

Beautifully understated haiku that will connect with many parents.

Little Onion said...

thank you - and this afternoon he beat me again - but the dandelions - they have arrived - just one or two for now raising their yellow heads - soon they will fill the verges by the sides of the roads - the big verges by the big roads and down the central reservations the best of all - a carpet of yellow


Russell CJ Duffy said...

great game even if they always beat me.

Little Onion said...

i used to win... rites of passage... beating your dad at this then that...