Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Three Estates Renga

This Saturday sees the first renga session of the Three Estates Renga - one hundred verses for three estates. The piece is conceived by artists Alec Finlay and Gavin Wade and forms part of Gavin's ongoing work 'Strategic Questions'.
Paul Conneally (Little Onion) will be Master Poet for the piece which will involve 6 renga sessions in the community with the community of the Kings Norton 'Three Estates'. The sessions will take place across the year across the seasons. The renga will create a word map of the estates and is in response to Buckminster Fuller's strategic question 'What is animate?'

Here's Gavin in the Three Estates Marquee which he set up and had a practice workshop in last Saturday - the day of England's first match in the 2006 World Cup Finals...

The first renga will be in The Fold, Pool Farm Estate, Kings Norton, Birmingham, UK, Saturday the 17th of June 2006.

1 comment:

Pan Haiku Review said...


Love the tent. I will look forward to being able to read the renga.

all my best for the day!