Thursday, June 14, 2007


Walk to Work INVIGILATOR undertook its 2nd invigilation this time in Derby UK.

Here is INVIGILATOR on the platform at Derby railway station starting his walk to work:

photo by kevin ryan

Invigilator follows the transposed directions LEFTS RIGHTS AND STRAIGHTS - distance doesn't matter - of artist Nikki Pugh's walk to work in Birmingham as a gallery invigilator at VIVID - when he reaches his work destination he will set up his chair tidy the area and invigilate it watch over it. He wonders where his walk will take him.


INVIGILATOR is an ongoing Walk to Work peice exploring ideas of work and place

conceived and performed by

Paul Conneally Nikki Pugh Kevin Ryan

1 comment:

Pan Haiku Review said...

Cool and moody photograph. Very atmospheric.