Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Haiku Hike - Tomomi Iguchi

Here's some information about Tomomi who I'm happy to be involved with on her current Crossover 2006 work 'Renewabilty' that includes the Haiku Hike project over London's Olympic Development site. As well as the walks across the London Olympic sites we encourage people around the world to walk and share haiku, thoughts, feelings with us via text, video, images - you can find out where to send these by looking at:

Haiku Hike (World Walks)

Here's Tomomi:

Tomomi Iguchi
Director, Crossover uk.Japan / England Tomomi Iguchi, a Japanese artist, curator and director of Crossover UK based in London, to promote greater understanding and tolerance between different cultures by developing cross-cultural events and networking initiatives within the creative sectors. She organized 'Crossovers for Japan 2001' in UK that was widely acclaimed by participants and founders alike. The concept behind these projects is based on the directors' own personal cultural experiences around aspects of nature and culture within the urban environment. As a Japanese artist living in the UK, Tomomi is interested in contrasting eastern and western cultural attitudes towards nature and the environment. Crossover uk has explored this territory through exhibitions and conferences in both the UK and Japan and would like to continue to develop this consideration of the relationship between nature, culture and environment.

1 comment:

Pan Haiku Review said...

Thanks for the piece on Tomomi Iguchi.

This is building up to be one incredible project!