Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Summer Haze

Summer Haze Net Kasen Renku Summer Haze Net Kasen Renku regtucker Williiam J. Higginson is the Renga Master here in the making of the world's first losange shaped renku using a formal renga / renku schema that encompasses seasonal and topical positions. The renku is can be read vertically straight down or along diagonals and although not constructed to read horizontally it can be and some have done so. The poets are William J Higginson, Peggy Willis Lyles and Paul Conneally.

Summer Haze was a piece I was lucky to work with Bill Higginson and Peggy Willis Lyles on. It's only now that Bill's death is really sinking in. Over the years he was a great supporter of and teacher to me. This piece is one that I still feel proud to have been part of making - it's still fresh and the form is interesting throwing up the possibility of many different ways of reading.

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