From the Head Teacher's Window
Slater Primary School - Frog Island, Leicester
Paul Conneally 2013
4/10098 Frog Island Slater Street School School.
1874, with minor C20 alterations. Built for the Leicester School Board. Red brick with ashlar and blue brick dressings. Graduated slate roof with terracotta ridge tiles. 2 storeys. Blue brick chamfered plinth, ornate brick and ashlar first floor band and dentilated eaves cornice. Gothic Revival style. West, Frog Island facade has 6 windows. Ground floor has 6 pairs of tall casements with brick moulded and pointed heads.
Above 6 pairs of smaller windows, the second and fourth project slightly and rise through the caves as gabled dormers, each has a pair of tall pointed arched windows with above a circular window with iron star glazing. The remaining windows have pairs of flat headed casements. North, Slate Street facade has 10 windows.
Cross wing to right has pointed arched doorway with plank door, ashlar lintel and cast iron plaque inscribed "INFANTS", pointed arched overlight with cast iron star glazing and moulded hood, to right 3-light ashlar mullion window in pointed arched recess with shallow pointed relieving arch. Above another 3-light mullion window in pointed arched recess with circular window with iron star tracery. Central 7 window section has 7 pairs of tall casements with brick moulded and pointed heads. Above 7 pairs of smaller windows, the second and fifth project slightly and rise through eaves as gabled dormers, each has a pair of tall pointed arched windows with above a circular window with iron tracery. The remaining windows have pairs of flat headed casements. Irregular 2 window left end has pair of pointed arched doorways with plank doors, ashlar lintels and cost iron star glazed overlights with hood moulds. To left 3 tall vent slits. Small 3-light mullion window above and 2 small C20 casements to left. Rear has wooden corridor at first floor level supported on timber posts with clap-boarding and 3-light windows. INTERIOR retains most of its original features and plan form, including doors, internal glazed partitions and staircases. Upper floor classrooms have exposed roofs with ornate wooden trusses. History: this school was built to accommodate 378 boys, 310 girls and 243 infants. It is the oldest board school in Leicester surviving in a historic condition. Information from English Heritage registered buildings list. FROG ISLAND STORIES - Paul Conneally