Monday, January 29, 2007


Here is a piece curently on show/in progress at The Renewabilty Haiku Hike Exhibition at Mile End Art Pavillion London UK:
The piece by Paul Conneally is a large wordsearch pinned to the gallery floor. The words come out of the deconstructed haiku that were written on the Renewabilty Haiku Hike through the London Olympic Development Site from Three Mills. Visitors are asked to engage with the walk, the individual walkers and the landsacpe walked through by finding a word and ringing it in one of the Olympic ring colours. The piece is finished when the wordsearch is finished or the exhibition finishes.

Three Estates Renga (number 6)

Here are ome pictures taken by Nikki Pugh at the last Three Estates Renga this last Saturday the 27th of January 2007. The peice is conceived by Gavin Wade and Alec Finlay with Paul Conneally as Master Poet throughout the project. The renga is the last of 6 conducted across the Birmingham '3 Estates' at various sites both outside and in.
Nikkis Renga Roundup is here:
Renga Roundup